The Collection
Coffret sortie le 29 juin 2009.

Off The Wall (*)
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Rock with you
Workin' day and night
Get on the floor
Off the wall
She's out of my life
I can't help it
It's the falling in love
Burn this disco out
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Voice over intro "Don't stop 'til you get enough"
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Quincy Jones interview
Voice over Intro "Workin' day and night"
Workin' day and night
Quincy Jones interview
Voice over Intro Rod Temperton Interview
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones Interview
Thriller (**)
Wanna be startin' somethin'
Baby be mine
The girl is mine
Beat it
Billie Jean
Human nature
P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)
The lady in my life
Bad (*)
The way you make me feel
Speed demon
Liberian girl
Just good friends
Another part of me
Man in the mirror
I just can't stop loving you
Dirty Diana
Smooth Criminal (radio edit)
Leave me alone
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu (I just can't stop loving you)
Quincy Jones Interview
Voice-over Intro "Fly away"
Fly away
Dangerous (**)
Why you wanna trip on me
In the Closet
She drives me wild
Remember the time
Can't let her get away
Heal the world
Black or white
Who is it
Give in to me
Will you be there
Keep the faith
Gone too soon
Break of dawn
Heaven can wait
You rock my world
2000 watts
You are my life
Don't walk away
The lost children
Whatever happens
(*) : réédition 2001
(**) : pressage classique
The Collection OR:

The Collection refait son apparition ! Le coffret est disponible depuis le 1er Mars 2010 en version or, uniquement chez Carrefour, 10000 exemplaires « seulement ». Pour rappel, le coffret regroupe 5 des albums les plus importants du Roi de la Pop, à savoir : Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, et Invincible.
Off The Wall (*)
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Rock with you
Workin' day and night
Get on the floor
Off the wall
She's out of my life
I can't help it
It's the falling in love
Burn this disco out
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Voice over intro "Don't stop 'til you get enough"
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Quincy Jones interview
Voice over Intro "Workin' day and night"
Workin' day and night
Quincy Jones interview
Voice over Intro Rod Temperton Interview
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones Interview
Thriller (**)
Wanna be startin' somethin'
Baby be mine
The girl is mine
Beat it
Billie Jean
Human nature
P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)
The lady in my life
Bad (*)
The way you make me feel
Speed demon
Liberian girl
Just good friends
Another part of me
Man in the mirror
I just can't stop loving you
Dirty Diana
Smooth Criminal (radio edit)
Leave me alone
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Voice over Intro Quincy Jones
Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu (I just can't stop loving you)
Quincy Jones Interview
Voice-over Intro "Fly away"
Fly away
Dangerous (**)
Why you wanna trip on me
In the Closet
She drives me wild
Remember the time
Can't let her get away
Heal the world
Black or white
Who is it
Give in to me
Will you be there
Keep the faith
Gone too soon
Break of dawn
Heaven can wait
You rock my world
2000 watts
You are my life
Don't walk away
The lost children
Whatever happens
(*) : réédition 2001
(**) : pressage classique
The Collection OR:

The Collection refait son apparition ! Le coffret est disponible depuis le 1er Mars 2010 en version or, uniquement chez Carrefour, 10000 exemplaires « seulement ». Pour rappel, le coffret regroupe 5 des albums les plus importants du Roi de la Pop, à savoir : Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, et Invincible.